Balinese Tattoos

The small island of Bali has been populated with people for as long as we can remember. As a result, Balinese art is both stunning and steeped in history and mythology. Unique expressions of ancient gods and modern ideas accumulated into some of the best Balinese tattoos in Bali and Indonesia. Luckily, Gods of Ink — Bali Tattoo Studio has some of the most skilled tattoo artists on the island.

The Balinese Om, a symbol of god, eternal life and the creation of the universe is influenced heavily by the Om you often see in India and other Hindu cultures. Sanskrit and other languages also appear in our Balinese tattoos, but luckily, our artists are fluent in the ancient ways. Gods of Ink — Bali Tattoo Studio is by far the best place to go for any Balinese tattoos anywhere in the world.

Each tattoo artist at Gods of Ink — Bali Tattoo Studio are hand-picked for each job, meaning whatever piece of art you want inked onto your skin, we ensure the right expert holding the gun every time. Gods of Ink — Bali Tattoo Studio is unique in the fact that we are led by Ketut Rudiartana, one of Indonesia’s leading tattoo artists and a legend of Kuta, Bali.

We are a fully licensed tattoo parlour in Bali and we use well-known imported inks that are considered safe the world over. The studio itself is 100% hygienic and innovative, and our equipment is top of the range.

Take a look at the photos below to discover more about Gods of Ink — Bali Tattoo Studio and see for yourself why we know that we are the best tattoo studio in all of Indonesia. From colour to black and grey, we have a range of colours and styles you can be inspired by.

We offer free consultations, so whether you call or email ahead of just walk in, we’ll make sure a professional is there to help guide you through the process from the moment you make contact. Get the full tattoo in one sitting or spread it over a few days too, just remember that whatever you want, we’ll provide.